Hard to believe but it's our last full day in Amsterdam. Have I enjoyed it - Yes! Would I come back - Yes! What stands out in my mind? - friendly people, bicycles and hooks. Friendly people ... well that's obvious - either you're friendly or you're not. Amsterdammers are wonderful - smiling, joking and seem to want you to enjoy your time in their city. Bicycles ... if there are 700,000 Amsters; there are 1,000,000 bikes. And not those speedo racing types. We're talking the old Huffy Uprights. We see people in suits, highheels, evening dress - biking through out the city. Note for the uninitiated- Bikes Rule! Everyone gives way to bikes and they stop for no one or no other form or transportation.
Hooks ... now here's an interesting concept. Even in new houses; everything is built up in very narrow spaces. Not possible to move in a bed or a piano or washing machine - no, instead you lower the building hook from the top floor and everything is winched upward and in through the windows.
Today, after leaving Laurrie & Jim at the Van Gogh Museum, Philip and I toured a diamond cutting facility - unfortunately no free samples - but the tour was informative and VERY secure. We viewed the diamonds in locked rooms with guards who could see into the room. The Van Gogh musem was a treat and oh by the way; it's pronounced Faun Xhoxgch (gutteral roll or think whooping cough)
Well we're off to eat at an Argentine restaurant - food here is wonderful but nothing that screams Dutch. Amsterdam has long been a port city, for centuries, so many, many cultures are merged and their food relects the variety.
I hope Laurrie and I have given you a taste of the city - come see for yourself. We highly recommend it.