Dutch Holiday

May 11 - We did not know it is WhitSunday holiday in the Netherlands today. And Monday is a holiday too, the last weekday holiday til Christmas on the Dutch calendar. As a result, Amsterdam was overrun with tourists, crowds, congestion and swarms of humanity. We did manage to get to the history museum, the Red Light District (how's that for contrast in one day: a proper museum and a tour of sleaze on the street!)

(Laurrie is being kind in her descriptions - besides the tourists, crowds, congestion - think millions of bikes - who have the right-of-way; we do not! - trams, scooters & cars. I'm thinking of being air-lifted to Scotland tonight! Seriously, this is a wonderful old city with a fascinating history and unique architecture. People are friendly and enjoy having us among them - Becky)

Here are a couple shots of the historical square before we gave up on the crowds. Tonight we go on an evening wine cruise til midnight on a canal boat. There will be no pictures of that, out of respect for our family, friends and readers of this blog