Note to our readers

May 19 - Our last day
Due to some technical problems connecting to the internet, Laurrie was unable to post to the blog the last two days, but Becky saved the day by using her Blackberry.

But now that Laurrie is back online, re-read yesterday's post, as pictures have been added of Muthill (the scene of the frightening cemetery incarceration), of Edradour, the quaint little whiskey distillery, and of Drummond Gardens. We also added a picture of the Queen's summer place at Balmoral to the post from May 17. She really was expecting me, but since I was traveling with commoners, I paid the admission fee too, to make everyone less uncomfortable.

Today Phil & Becky are off to take a boat on a nearby loch, and Jim & Laurrie are off to Stirling center to shop & tour.